Recently, I read the zilongshanren’s blog. He said the hugo native support the org file to generate the blog pages, and it is very fast and easy to install and debug. So I just want to have a try.

After two days work, finally, I move my blog from jekyll to hugo. In the meantime, I found it was a wise decision to use hugo.

Why abandon jekyll

At the beginning, I wrote my blog with Hexo. But github use jekyll for the default backend. For the convenience, I changed the framework of my blog to jekyll. With the more blogs I wrote, I found its so difficult to debug. Because of the confusing installation and conceptions of jekyll, I didn’t install jekyll in my computer. The blog git repository just contains origin markdown files and theme files. So, when I add or fix some contents, I must push the repository to github and wait for the automatic deployment. It’s so nauseating.

Why use Hugo

As said above, the first reason impressed me is it can support org-mode natively.
But the reasons really pleased me are the installation and workflow of hugo.


No matter what system you use, you can install hugo in a easy way. It’s unlike with jekyll or hexo needing other modules' supports, hugo is an indenpendent package. You just need to install a single package “hugo”, nothing more. Then you can start your blogging.


Before you start to deploy your work to remote server or just open the local server service, you’d better to download a theme from I recommend you a beautiful theme, that is the theme under your eyes.

Then you can deploy your work to the localhost first with command hugo server --theme=even. Under this mode, you can edit your blog file, and the blog html page will be automatically generated by hugo. At the same time, your web browser refresh dynamically. This is the mode I called it debug.

The third reason

This reason comes with the even theme and many other special themes. That is the support of math typing. Like this $$ E^2 = m^2 + p^2 $$


As for this reason, I have no comment, Because I never used the other two platforms(Hexo, Jekyll) at local. The speed of hugo is fast enough for me.

How to start

I think the even-theme-author’s blog will be a good starting point. And you can preview the even theme within that blog.